Kickboxing Classes in Lewisboro NY | Boxing Gym Lewisboro NY

FREE 30 Day Trial of Kickboxing Classes in Lewisboro

Variety is the spice of life and switching up your routine is the best way to stay persistent and keep getting results.
Our cardio kickboxing program is one of our most well-known classes at Westchester Cardio Kickboxing. Check out our Free 30 Day Trial of Kickboxing and Boxing classes, so you can leave the mundane treadmill, start having fun, and start seeing results. You’ll get a free 1 on 1 coaching session just for coming in! Adding kickboxing to your training routine gives it a new, dynamic twist.

Free Kickboxing Classes in Lewisboro

The rewards of switching your routine is worth the new aches and pains. Kickboxing will transform your workout and result in body toning and an increasing in aerobic endurance. What more can you want from your training? You’ll practice like a fighter without the concern of getting hit because our Women’s Only Cardio Kickboxing Classes are non contact. So rather than sparring with other students, the only thing you will be hitting is our equipment or thai pads. Lets break down our 1 hour cardio kickboxing session at Westchester Fight Club.

The first 15 minutes

Our warmup begins with high energy music, whatever we feel like that day, Rock, EDM, or some 90’s pop. Have a high energy atmosphere in the bag rack before we get going. Then we’ll do some light stretching and also sprint some laps around the mat or jump rope. We break a sweat and elevate your heart rate to get the most out of your training and help avoid injury.

Working on the Punching Bags

Now its time to hit stuff! We glove up and get ready to work. Our bag system holds 30 boxing bags, this isn’t a taebo class, you need to feel your fist strike something when you throw a blow. Boxing is a great stress reliever. There’s nothing more relaxing then winding up and smashing a heavy bag as hard as you can and placing life’s drama on mute for the 60 mins of class. We aren’t just blasting the heavy bag aimlessly, the instructor will take you through many combos of punches, knees, and kicks. You’ll most likely seem a bit uncoordinated and off balance in the first session, no matter what your fitness level. Since the demanding moves will be different for your body, not just your brain. Though the routines usually are made up of fairly basic combinations, when all is said and done, it is a routine that gets easier with practice. Plan to give your body 3 or 4 sessions before you feel like you know the moves. Most classes mix the same general techniques in a different order or portion of the combination.

When we are done with the punching bags we switch it up and have you pair up with another student in class. One student will hold for another. Newer members will have less complicated combinations while our girls that have been with us longer have more difficult combinations. Don’t think that holding for a partner is a break, in your first workout you will see very quick that holding pads is almost as tough as hitting them.

6 Pack Secrets

Time for abdominals, even though without knowing it you have been training your abdominals the full workout, twisting your body on punches and kicks. Even so, a full kickboxing workout should include strengthening the stomach and back muscles through such moves as crunches, sizzors, and side planks. Developing the core will serve to help your movements improve, develop your strength and endurance, and it’ll start to show your six pack abs.

Last part of class we will have each student grab a set of weights and do shoulder, arms, and lower body movements. This is a great way to build some muscle while making your body to burn a few extra calories. Our ladies also workout with some 10 pound dumbbells during class. Punching will help define your arms but after a few rounds on the bag rack grabbing a set of dumbbells and following along with the group will help you achieve the sculpted and toned arms you’re searching for.

Cool off
Good job, you made it through your first class. Props for pushing it and making it through. an hour of kickboxing burns more calories then lifting weights, jogging on a fitness treadmill, or riding a bike. If you’re from Lewisboro you need to take us up on our FREE 30 Day Trial of kickboxing classes in Lewisboro and come get your FREE private introduction lesson to get started.

Kickboxing Classes in Lewisboro NY Boxing Gym Lewisboro NY